Dr. Pietro Politi
Marche Region – Regional Council
Agri-food Policies Service
P.F. Low impact agriculture, animal husbandry and SDA of Pesaro
Responsible for implementation of regional law 12/03
Via Tiziano n. 44 – 60100 Ancona
Ph. 0718063520
Email: pietro.politi@regione.marche.it
Dr. Ambra Micheletti
ASSAM – Marche Agri-food Sector Services Agency
Contact person for the Agricultural Biodiversity Project
Via dell’Industria, 1 – 60027 Osimo Stazione (AN)
Ph. 0718081
Email: micheletti_ambra@assam.marche.it
Dr. Paola Staffolani
ASSAM – Marche Agri-food Sector Services Agency
CIBARIUM Project Referent
Via dell’Industria, 1 – 60027 Osimo Stazione (AN)
Ph. 0718081
Email: staffolani_paola@assam.marche.it
The Agency for Services in the Agri-food Sector of the Marche (ASSAM), established with the L.R. n. 9 of 14 January 1997, is a public economic body and constitutes the regional reference and connection tool between the production system and the world of research.
Its main functions include carrying out studies and research in collaboration with universities, institutes and research institutions. In this context, it implements projects in the agronomic sector (cereal farming, horticulture, industrial crops, viticulture, olive growing and fruit growing) with particular attention to the organic sector and low environmental impact. It offers services in the field of certification and traceability, analysis of agri-food products, soil management, forestation and agrometeorology. It also provides for the application of phytosanitary regulations on the regional territory.
The Marche Region, as part of the development, promotion and protection policies of agro-ecosystems and quality production, has approved the Regional law n. 12 of 3 June 2003 “Protection of animal and plant genetic resources of the Marche region”, entrusting the operational management of the same to ASSAM. The protection concerns animal and plant genetic resources such as species, varieties, races, populations, ecotypes, clones and cultivars, indigenous, threatened with genetic erosion or at risk of extinction due to their abandonment or genetic pollution and for which there is a economic, scientific, environmental, landscape or cultural interest.