Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Ours is a small family-run business, born about twenty years ago thanks to our parents Giuseppina and Antonio who passed on all their passion and love for this business, with a single goal; offer a product that expresses quality. We live in Trivio, a small fraction of Monteleone di Spoleto, and it is here that we produce organic cereals and legumes for the best tables, certified but above all guaranteed by us.
Our product par excellence is spelled, whose reference species is “Triticum Dicoccum”.
Currently, the spelled of Monteleone di Spoleto is the first only cereal in Europe to have obtained the DOP recognition. Our parents began precisely with the cultivation of spelled and lentils, and then introduced over the years other typical crops that adapt good to our territory, such as chickpeas, cicerchie, many varieties of beans and Roveja, also known as an ancient wild legume, ancestor of peas. Another of our excellence is the pure saffron in pistils collected during the autumn season.
We want everything to retain the authenticity and purity of a centuries-old past, everything we produce is to be considered unique and particular.