Azienda Agricola Michela Paris

Cibum > Marche > Azienda Agricola Michela Paris

Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:

Azienda Agricola Michela Paris

The Michela Paris farm was founded in 2016 with the aim of recovering the Sopravissana breed, an indigenous sheep of the Sibillini Mountains and at risk of extinction. The young entrepreneur, daughter and grandson of breeders, decides to undertake the breeding of sheep of the Sopravissana breed, a breed registered in the Regional Directory of Agricultural Biodiversity of the Marche, with 100 heads and with her determination and the help of her husband, albeit in the presence of considerable difficulties, to date it has reached the quota of 300 heads. In 2017 Michela received the “Agricultural biodiversity” award for her Sheep surviving sheep, reared in the places of the epicenter of the earthquake.

Related Activities
Craft Center: The Company of Master Craftsmen of Visso
Points of interest
Monte Torrone path
Great Sibillini ring (paths)
Tourist Information Office - Visso