Apple Panaia
Malus x domestica Borkh
DESCRIPTION This landrace is well described by Giorgio Gallesio in his famous Pomona Italiana (1817-1839). The reference to the presence of this variety outside its production area is very significant: “The squares of Naples are full of these apples from November to February, and they are found on all tables. It can be said that they are the more appreciated after the Limoncelle […]. Apples of Norcia retain their reputation even in Rome where they are abundant and where they receive the name of Mele Gaetane “. On the basis of this valuable information, it can be deduced that the main diffusion area was precisely that of Norcia.
Fruits of medium size (141 g) and obloid shape. Without ribs with a weak crown at the top of the glass. Peduncle long and thin. Smooth skin, moderately covered with bloom and wax, with russeting present only in the cavity of the peduncle. Yellowish green background color, with a very large overcolour area of dark purple tone and a uniform pattern with clearly delimited stripes. It is harvested between September and October.
BACKGROUND This variety is well described by Giorgio Gallesio in his famous Pomona Italiana, published in installments between 1817 and 1839 (other references to the variety, also by Gallesio, can be found in his Travel Journals). This, in the words of Gallesio, describes the Panaia di Norcia: “It is harvested in October and lasts all winter […]. The same can be said of the small-fruited Panaia, which is so common in Naples , where it is known under the name of Mela di Norcia. It is better than the big one, and may deserve to enter a good collection, but it will never be a fine fruit. It has the thickness of the Renetta, and is less swirled. Its skin it is streaked as in the Panaia maximum with large red spots on a greenish-yellow background, so that it has the appearance of a greenish-striped red background. The pulp is very tender; but it cannot be said either buttery or crunchy. to that of Calville. Its sauce is sour, but tasty “. The reference to the presence of this variety outside its production area is also very significant: “The squares of Naples are full of these apples from November to February, and they are found on all tables. It can be said that they are the most popular after the Limoncelle […]. The Norcia Apples retain their reputation even in Rome where they are abundant and where they receive the name of Mele Gaetane. In this city they excel less, because there is a greater number of Apples who are superiors to you in all respects “. On the basis of this valuable information, it can be deduced that the main diffusion area was precisely that of Norcia. The origin of the variety, however, remains unclear, although it could be plausible to hypothesize also for this variety, as for several others, an initial origin from seed then multiplied and maintained due to the valuable organoleptic characteristics of the fruit.
TYPICAL PRODUCTION AREA Although historical references do not allow a precise delimitation of the cultivation area that this variety could have in the past, it is assumed that its diffusion concerned the territory of Valnerina with its center in Norcia. The municipalities of the Valnerina District (Norcia, Cascia, Cerreto di Spoleto, Monteleone di Spoleto, Poggiodomo, Preci, Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Scheggino, Vallo di Nera) are allowed as local areas.
TECHNOLOGICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS Variety for fresh consumption, characterized by high shelf life after harvest both in the loft and in the refrigerator. The fruits of the Mela Panaia di Norcia variety are characterized by an unbalanced profile towards a high acid taste and astringency compared to Golden taken as a reference.