Chubby Goat
Capra hircus L.
DESCRIPTION The regions of central Italy, like those of the north, were affected by widespread goat farming, which had led to the selection of the most suitable breeds for the particular Apennine environment. One of these is a goat breed characteristic of an area that gravitates mainly to the Valnerina, in Southern Umbria, but which is also widespread in the present Marche, especially in the Camerinese, in the neighboring Sabina and in some areas of northern Abruzzo. It is the “Capra della Valnerina”, also known by other names that refer to its most striking feature: two white bands on the face. This breed, according to various testimonies, was very widespread both in the family breeding of a few heads, and in the breeding in flocks of medium proportions, generally no more than thirty / fifty heads.
BACKGROUND A dense and detailed program of studies and research has invested, in recent years, the indigenous goat breeds of the Alpine area and of Southern Italy, partly leaving out the regions of central Italy, which were however interested in widespread breeding. goat, which had selected the most suitable breeds for the Apennine territory. One of these is a goat breed characteristic of a region that gravitates mainly to the Valnerina, in Southern Umbria, but which is also widespread in the present Marche, especially in the Camerinese, in the neighboring Sabina and in some areas of northern Abruzzo. It is the “Capra della Valnerina” which is also known by other names that refer to its most striking feature: two white bands on the muzzle. This breed, according to various testimonies, was very widespread both in the family breeding of a few heads, and in the breeding in flocks of medium proportions, generally rarely over thirty-fifty heads (V. Franconi, Le gore della Valnerina , between historical memory and the risk of extinction , in L’Appennino Camerte, 12 April 2008).
TYPICAL FARMING AREA As regards Umbria, it is widespread in the southern part of the region, in particular in the area that goes from Nursino to Valnerina and Spoletino; it is also present in the eastern part of the province of Terni. In the Marches its presence is attested only in the province of Macerata (Camerino).
TRADITIONAL BREEDING TECHNIQUES The Valnerina goat is raised with traditional semi-wild grazing systems, with short periods of winter housing; interesting is the production of the kid due to the size reached in a short time; milk production, although not negligible, is average, with the advantage that in a few days production can be reduced, especially after separation from the kid, avoiding being forced to milking especially for farmers who are not interested in it . The Facciuta goat, given its morphological characteristics, the sturdiness of the limbs and the claws as well as the strong adaptability to areas of Central Italy, even very rugged ones, lends itself favorably to a type of farming that provides for grazing as its main food source. More than pasture, however, those found in the areas of Terni and Perugia are mainly woods and Macchiatic where an excessive and uncontrolled stay of the goat species could actually lead to considerable damage to the renewal of the various plant species that make up the forest itself.
Texts taken from “Regional register of indigenous genetic resources of the Umbria Region”.