Spoleto apple

Cibum > Umbria > Spoleto apple

Spoleto apple

Mela spoletina

Spoleto apple

Malus domestica Borkh


DESCRIPTION A single, ancient example of this landrace is known today. The fruits, of medium-small size, have a globular spherical shape. They ripen in October and keep for many months. The elderly farmer who kept them on his farm much preferred it over the other varieties he grew.

BACKGROUND There are no historical references or information of any kind attributable to the Melo Spoletina variety. The genetic analyzes carried out using SSR markers on the accessions present in the regional collections, did not reveal cases of synonymy between the variety Mela Spoletina and the others. The analyzes have also shown that the variety is triploid. This imposed the limit of the comparison of this variety with a sub-sample of 35 triploid accessions, excluding from the direct comparison another 120 diploid accessions. Based on the information available to date, it can be assumed that the specimen found represents a unicum, perhaps originating from seed.

TYPICAL PRODUCTION AREA To date, the only specimen attributable to this variety, a plant that is at least one hundred years old, is found in loc. Savelli in the Municipality of Norcia (PG).

Texts taken from “Regional register of indigenous genetic resources of the Umbria Region”