Società Agricola F. lli Paris S.s.

Cibum > Marche > Società Agricola F. lli Paris S.s.

Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:

Società Agricola F.lli Paris - paesaggio

Our company is a reality made up of a purely family unit that settles after the older generation of the Boldrini family. In 2016 we (Flavio Paris) and my brother (Francesco) decide with the help of our mother (Boldrini Anna Paola), to continue the activity of breeders and direct growers carried out in our family to give birth to the F. lli Paris Ss. After a sad decision to abandon the milk sector given the negligible price of the product and the thousand difficulties given by an economy where production is pushed more and more, we make a choice against the trend where we value more “the quality that the quantity “, pushing more the value of organic and biodiversity (already in any case always previously sought in the old company) of our products. To date we produce beef cattle fed almost entirely in a closed circuit with the product of our fields, legumes, cereals and potatoes, and beans, where we have become guardian farmers for the agricultural biodiversity of the Marche on the Cenerino Bean. Our products are mainly sold in neighboring shops, restaurants, and in our small company sales point and in the neighboring areas also on door-to-door call.