Azienda Agricola La Sopravissana dei Sibillini

Cibum > Marche > Azienda Agricola La Sopravissana dei Sibillini

Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:

Azienda Agricola La Sopravissana dei Sibillini - pascolo

Silvia Bonomi, originally from Lazio, chooses to live in the Marche, undertaking the activity of breeder in 2008 with the recovery of some heads of the Sopravissana breed, a breed now in danger of extinction. She starts with a dozen sheep, of various ages and origins, following the advice of the breed experts of the National Association of Pastoralism up to about 70 heads. The main sector is the sale of subjects suitable for repopulation, in addition to what at the time had been a driving force for the local economy: wool. In fact, Silvia is carrying out with other agricultural entrepreneurs the “Sibillana” project for the production and processing of Sopravissana wool, a precious product.

Related Activities
Points of interest
Wool Museum - Montefortino
Great Sibillini ring (paths)